Sunday, June 15, 2008

If you can't stand the heat....

I hate the summer. As soon as that first spring day that I'm not too cold comes around...a darkness comes upon me. I remember what comes next, the heat. A three-month-long fever.

Luckily, I live in Minnesota and this too shall pass, soon enough actually. I just need to deal with it! Here are some tips. First of all, I don't have AC. I wont get in to the reasons, but lets just say that sleeping becomes like torture. Unless you can stay cool!

To do this you need 2 fans, one of them in the window, and one under the window pointing at your bed. Now, go in the bathroom and put your head under the cold water, AND maybe put your feet under the tap too. If you are flexible. Then go to bed quick while it dries and you feel cool. If you are lucky you'll fall sleep and stay asleep till morning. If not, just repeat the cold water thing.

Another alternative is sleeping outside but you need the right living situation for that....Bears might get ya!

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