Thursday, June 26, 2008

I hate you accounting

Accounting school is pretty damn boring. I can't really imagine anything more boring than that, there is never any smidgen of human interest involved. Maybe sometimes you learn about a company that broke an accounting rule though! Gahhh! Shoot me!

Everyday after work, accounting work mind you, I have been coming home to do accounting HOME work. I know exactly why I went in to this, it was because it promises pretty ok money, fine hours, and independence which I like. There isn't much interacting with customers or people too much, which I also like. It was never meant to be interesting. I have to remember that. The fact is, I don't know what IS interesting, that is also a job. For me, nothing. Maybe I'd like to teach Middle Eastern history, some day, but for now that sounds kinda sucky. I mean, too many people involved. Students with, public speaking? Ohhhh no. Accounting though. I can do that.

Then, I need to get a good job and not be poor! I can't even really imagine what it might be like not to be poor. For real, insurance would be great. I would like someday to not live with a bunch of people, its nice now but I can't be doing that when I am old! And fix up my gross old house! Maybe travel to Central Asia! Some fine day, yes.

Ok, this was a pep talk for myself. I need to now take "Intermediate Accounting" down to the coffee shop and work on that for the next 5 or so hours......deferred tax assets! taxable verses book income! bond interest amortization! lets do this!

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