Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Things I loved in 2008

This is an idea I got from a different blog...but I love it! These are things I loved this past year.

1. The Wire (I am just starting season 2)
2. Eating this: black beans + tomato sauce+ plantain+an assortment of veggies on brown rice. I want to eat it for every meal.
3. Living with someone else! Its much warmer in the winter. The flip side is its much warmer in the summer too, and you know how hot I gets!
4. My new routine at the YWCA. I am going to get a new routine every single year, I am. When someone else tells me what to do I am more likely to do it. You don't want to let anyone down do you!? Maybe that is why it works
5. Going to Mexico, I loved it! I love the ocean and the sun. I wish I was there...I can't go this winter though. Too broke, but maybe sometime I can get to an ocean this year.

1 comment:

sandy pants said...

Don't forget Lutefisk dinners! Yum, slurrp, yum.