Saturday, October 25, 2008

thinking about thoughts...

Say, why does my throat hurt all the time?
Where can I get a fake beard?
Would I look good in an asymmetrical hair cut? Well, or maybe the question is, is that my style?
What ARE the neighbors doing? Clearing out the attic of a lot of dirt? Why is their attic filled with dirt?
Here is a link to a video you can make and send to your friends who might not vote, its a scary view about what might happen if McCain wins by one vote...theirs!!

G-d bless.


Your Matt Ryan said...

You inspired me to put my first post on my blog. It's not much to read just an intro, hopefully more will come soon. I really just wanted to let you know that Gail Graham has a facebook, so you should probably be her friend.

Your Matt Ryan said...

Amazing! I wrote about what you wanted on my blog before I even read your comment. Sa da tay!

smitacular said...

You could make a really good fake beard out of locks of mohair that you can buy at the yarn store. Just don't get too close to any goats, they might get jealous.

Also, asymmetrical haircut=yes!